
Reflection of Fish Dinner

While we eating something that we think it’s healthy, we might eat something toxic or poisonous. Being a human being, we are polluting our environment because we are greedy. We desire to gain more fortune, more food or a luxury life. But we often forget that the natural resources on our planet are limited. We also neglect that some materials like mercury will accumulate in our environment for a long time. Mercury falls from the air and can accumulate in streams and oceans and turned into methylmercury in the water. Fish absorb the methylmercury as the feed in these water. By food chain, mercury apparently accumulate into to some of the most popular fish on the market.
Animals and plants have to live on the Earth, so do our human beings. Can we think more before we do anything that will cause a threat to the earth? We have to face the music that one day we will live in a terrible surroundings if we keep polluting our planet.
