thorn bird
a touching song
I can not unterstand
I used to have misunderstanding with someone now. I really want to realize what you do say. You do, too. However, we fail and always get angry.
I often remember the time I was 15 years old. I felt confused why one of my best friends can not understand what I said. Anyways, I would explain for him, tell him any details he didn't understand, and get to know each other with patience. At that time, I sometimes felt he is a little bluntness, and I may despise her a little. However, I like himr still.
Today, I may have a misunderstanding with that guy I infer to at the beginning, and be despised by him. I admire I haven't taken this so seriously, because I feel that guy feel I am annoying. Maybe, the emotion isn't hate, but maybe is dislike. Encounter this corner, whether I should give up or not. I don't know. Nevertheless, I prefer the former, because I am not a child anymore, I can not desire anything going the way I want. I have to learn give up. Yes, I do....
Reflection of Fish Dinner
Animals and plants have to live on the Earth, so do our human beings. Can we think more before we do anything that will cause a threat to the earth? We have to face the music that one day we will live in a terrible surroundings if we keep polluting our planet.

Spider man 3

waterproof rice
I am valetudinarianism person
Movie : Halloween
At Halloween, when he is ten years old. His schoolmates exasperate him by his mother working in thestrip club, then he fight to them. Teacher call his mother to school and tell her they found animal's body pictures with abuse and bloodly. He escapes from school and kill the schoolmate who exasperate him when teacher talkes to his mother.
At the day night, he kill his stepfather by kitchen knife, using bat buffet and kill his sister's boyfriend, after that he use kitchen knife segment his sister fourteen times. When he finish he bear hug his young sister in front of the door. Police catch him and send him to the asylum. And a psychiatry doctor come to talk to him, but he do not set aside to him. When doctor give him up, he kill a nurse by fork. when his mother know about it, she look at hero's hold movie and suicide.
After seventeen years, police want to move him out to the asylum at halloween. He kill all the people in asylum and run away. He go back to his home town and want to kill his younger sister. On the his way kill his sister, he kill her adoptive parents friends and their boyfriends. The psychiatry doctor want to stop him, however he has failed and been killed. At the end, hero has been killed by his sister by doctor's handgun. And move als show the hero's hold move. It show hero has affinity for violence when he was young.
Have a journey in Taipei - part two
We sang a lot of songs, but I could not remember the names. For me, it was a bad thing, becouse people ask me to sing a song or to give some ideal aout the song and I could not help them. After that, we had the dinner at the YongHe soybean milk store. We ate soybean milk, 小籠包, toad steamed dumplings, radish cake, 燒餅油條, fried leek dumpling........
We had a great day in Taipei.
Have a journey in Taipei
teenty-seventh two thousand seven. 王國勤 drived his car and took us to Taipei. We parked the car next to the XiMenDing. After that, we went to Taipei 101 by the MRT. It was a interesting thing about the MRT's ticket,
nromally the ticket was paper, however they used plastics coin. It was my first time to see people using this be a ticket. when we arrived Taipei 101, we saw the movie Halloween at Vieshow. It was a abnormal movie, protagonist was killing people from begin to the end. 王國勤 and 謝宜樺 felt sick about the movie and it was too cold in the megaplex. We went out and basking in the sunshing. ---------------------Continued
My name is weimin. I am the second old student in our class, becouse i am 21 years old.
Please remind me, sometime i may forget something. I am too old and hard to remember the things.
However, you need a worker, you can call me to help you.
This is my phone namber and MSN.
One thing to remind everybody. "DO NOT GIVE ME SPAM "
Thank you.